ArchiveD Events


Art Class

Addison Elementary

Arts in the Classroom!

Addison Elementary School kindergarten class (left) and 1st graders (right) learn all about the color wheel. Classes sponsored by the Winston County Arts Council.


Rick Jobe and the Wonderin' Cowboys

December 10 – This year's Winter Concert sponsored by the Winston County Arts Council was held at The Barn at Shady Grove in Double Springs. Dinner was catered by Talk of the Town, with dancing and live music from Nashville featuring Rick Jobe and the Wonderin' Cowboys will showcase Western swing, jazz, oldies, favorites, and more! Tickets available only at the door.

Fighting Hunger One Bowl at a Time

Empty Bowls Dinner a Success

A Delicious Fund Raiser

Everyone enjoyed delicious soups from over 20 chefs! Volunteers cooked up their favorite soup and personally serve it throughout the evening from their crockpots. The annual fundraiser provided all you can eat soup, a handmade pottery bowl, silent auction & raffles benefiting the Arts Council's school arts education program and Main Street Ministry. (2019)

Summer Drama Workshop

2019 Arley Day & Fish Painting

Free State Theater Troupe Presents

Hilarity and Hooplah